Federal Funding for New Jersey Tops $806 Million

TRENTON, N.J. – Six months since the Sept. 5 federal disaster declaration for the remnants of Hurricane Ida in New Jersey, $806 million in federal funding has been provided for survivors.
“We continue working together to get the federal funding where it needs to be – in the hands of survivors and communities,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Patrick Cornbill. “FEMA’s mission has been to help individuals and families recover from the disaster and we will continue supporting until the mission is completed.”
The breakdown of funds is as follows:
More than $237 million in FEMA housing grants to help pay for home repair, home replacement and rental assistance for temporary housing.
Nearly $247 million in U.S. Small Business Administration low-interest disaster loans approved for
homeowners, renters and business owners.
More than $314.3 million paid to National Flood Insurance Program policyholders statewide.
$8.2 million in Public Assistance funding to reimburse New Jersey applicants for debris removal, emergency protective measures and other eligible costs.
For the latest information visit fema.gov/disaster/4614. Follow the FEMA Region 2 Twitter account at twitter.com/FEMAregion2.
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