Bergen County Food Security Tast Force Announces 2022 Awards for Food Pantry Sustainability Grant Program

Hackensack, NJ – The Bergen County Food Security Task Force is excited to announce awards for the 2022 Food Security Task Force Sustainability Grant Program, following passage of Resolution 1190 by the Bergen County Board of Commissioners at their Wednesday, December 14 meeting.
Awards were approved for 37 organizations from across Bergen County, totaling a disbursement of over $414,000 of American Rescue Plan (ARP) dollars.
“With food insecurity still impacting Bergen County residents, targeted investments like those made possible by the Food Pantry Sustainability Grant continue to be critical for our community partners in fighting food insecurity on the frontlines,” said Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco. “This new round of funding will help 37 organizations across Bergen County meet the demand for food in our communities by reinforcing their ability to provide nutritious meals and critical supplies to those that are struggling.”
"Supporting sustainability and essential infrastructure at our food pantries is a vital step in continuing this marathon to end hunger in Bergen County," said Commissioner Chairwoman Tracy Silna Zur. "With so many still struggling, our pantries need our help now more than ever to ensure our neighbors have access to the resources they need."
The Task Force Sustainability Grant Program, which has awarded over $900,000 in ARP dollars across two rounds of applications, provides critical funding for targeted investments in infrastructure improvements, technological improvements, and weatherization improvements for organizations that operate a food pantry, a hot meal distribution, or provide food delivery services for Bergen County residents in need. Some of the most requested items in this round of awards included new refrigerators and freezers, shelving and prep tables, computers, laptops and tablets, and heaters, tents, and canopies for outdoor food distributions.
With food insecurity still impacting so many of our neighbors in Bergen County, these investments in our network of emergency food providers are more important than ever. The items funded by the Task Force Sustainability Grant will help organizations continue to meet the needs they see in their communities, and also help them receive fresher and healthier food items for clients, bring pantry operations into the 21st century through digitization of client and inventory management, and ensure pantry operations and food distributions can occur year-round and in all weather.
The following organizations are set to receive FSTF sustainability grants after last night’s public meeting:
Annie Clyde Holt Food Pantry
All Access Community Development Corporation
Ascension Church
Bergen Volunteer Center
Borough of Elmwood Park - Residents Assistance Program
Buddies of New Jersey
Center for Food Action- Englewood
Center for Food Action- Saddle Brook
Church of the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady
Closter Food & Assistance Board
Connex4NPO, a NJ Non-Profit Corporation
Disabled Combat Veterans Youth Program
Dumont Food Pantry - DCG Cares
Englewood Neighborhood Pantry a Nonprofit Corp.
Epiphany Community Food Pantry
Families for Families
Father's Cupboard at Grace Redeemer Church
Felician University
Franciscan Community Development Center of Fairview
Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha Glen Rock
Helping Hands Food Pantry of Teaneck NJ
Jewish Family & Children's Services of Northern New Jersey (JFCS)
Meadowlands YMCA
Norwood Food Pantry
Open Door Community Center
Our Community Dinner Table
Parkside Community Church
Ridgewood Senior Citizens Housing Corporation, Inc.
Rutherford Community Pantry Inc.
Sacred Heart Church
Social Service Association of Ridgewood and Vicinity
Strangers Helping Strangers Food Pantry
The Food Brigade Inc.
The Office of Concern Food Pantry
Tri Boro Food Pantry
Varick Memorial Food Pantry
Westwood United Methodist Church
The Bergen County Food Security Task Force, founded by Commissioner Tracy Zur, was formed in July of 2020 as a response to the skyrocketing need for food and services after the onset of the pandemic. The Task Force has been working to connect the food providers in Bergen County and assist them in sourcing best practices and sustainable solutions to combat the persistent levels of hunger in the community.
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