JCC Active Seniors Celebrate Hanukkah

Cabaret singer, Naomi Miller, was the highlight of the JCC of Northern NJ’s Active Seniors Hanukkah Party this year which took place at Temple Avodat Shalom in River Edge.
Her performance included a rousing medley of sing-along Hanukkah songs enjoyed by all. Almost one hundred people attended this festive celebration replete with a kosher meal including latkes and sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts). Everyone received a goodie bag of Hanukkah candles, dreidels, chocolate gelt, and a Naomi Miller CD.
The Active Seniors program is sponsored, in part, by a generous grant from Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey and the Bergen County Division of Senior Services.
To learn more, visit https://jccnnj.org/active-seniors/ or call Jennifer Sauer, the Manager of the JCC’s Active Seniors program at (201) 666-6610.
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