With the Great Northern NJ Turkey Take, Residents Donate & Deliver Frozen Turkeys via Table to Table’s I-Rescue App Now through December 22

Saddle Brook, NJ October 25, 2023 – Table to Table, New Jersey’s first food rescue organization, kicks off its annual Great Northern NJ Turkey Take with Table to Table I-Rescue, a holiday initiative allowing residents in Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Passaic Counties to personally donate and deliver a frozen turkey—or more—to local food pantries and group homes.
Now through December 22, individuals, corporations, schools, and community groups can contact Table to Table to inform of us of your donation. Then, download the Table to Table I-Rescue app for the location near you where the turkey can be delivered. Or, if you’d like, volunteers will pick up your donation and deliver it for you.
Alternatively, if you would like to help, but are too busy to shop, you can make a donation to help Table to Table deliver more meals throughout the year to those in need. Table to Table I-Rescue--powered by Food Rescue Hero--is available on iOS and Google Play.
“As we celebrate our third year of The Great Northern NJ Turkey Take, we invite the community at large to join us in feeding our hungry neighbors, especially as Thanksgiving quickly approaches,” said Julie Kinner, Vice President of Operations, Table to Table. “Remember, you can donate that free turkey you’ve received from your local grocery store,” Kinner concluded.
About Table to Table
Table to Table is New Jersey’s first food rescue organization. Committed to feeding our hungry neighbors in Northern NJ, Table to Table rescues and delivers healthy, fresh, and perishable food from grocery stores, food distributors and restaurants, and in doing so, nourishes the community while helping our environment. In partnership with hundreds of recipient organizations like food pantries, senior centers, and school programs--along with its powerful network of volunteers--Table to Table supports health and wellness for all. Since its inception in 1999, Table to Table has rescued and delivered the equivalent of more than 288 million meals and saved nearly 98,000 tons of potentially wasted food from landfills. And, through our Table to Table I-Rescue app—powered by Food Rescue Hero—we have expanded our distribution footprint to include donations that serve smaller donors and recipient organizations. Independently funded through grants and donations, Table to Table is proud of its Charity Navigator 4-Star Rating for 13 consecutive years. Learn more by visiting https://tabletotable.org/
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