Adoptive Therapy Dogs for Combat Veterans

New Jersey Reentry Corporation (NJRC) has sponsored three shelter dogs to provide combat Veterans with support and companionship.
The uniquely chosen dogs, Lucky, Bean, and Django, will be introduced to their new Veteran owners, “Handlers,” by the trainers from Tuesday, July 23rd to Thursday, July 25th, at the NJRC Carteret Office and Veteran Center, located at 762 Roosevelt Ave, Carteret, NJ 07008 (Shoprite Shopping Center next to Pep Boys).
On July 23rd, Ultimate Canine Training’s trainers, Joe Cruz and Mitchell Brown will work with three of our NJRC Veterans to review care, grooming, schedule, obedience commands, and more instructions.
On July 24th, two of our veterans will meet their adoptive therapy dogs and spend time with them alongside their trainers.
On July 25th, our third veteran will get to know their dog and train with Joe.
Ultimate Canine Training has spent the past four (4) months training adoptive therapy dogs Lucky, Bean, and Django to prepare them for our veterans.
NJRC Executive Director Jim McGreevey stated, “NJRC is indebted to Chief of Staff Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti. While her day job is as Chief of Staff, Diane’s passion is rescue dogs. Diane established a partnership between the Burlington County Animal Shelter and NJRC that permitted these dogs to be adopted and trained to serve our veterans.
NJRC is grateful for the opportunity to provide our veterans with loving companions. These adoptive therapy dogs will provide valuable support, reduce stress, and comfort our veterans in difficult times.”
Sharon McGreevey, Director of Veterans Services, said, “I am grateful to New Jersey Reentry Corporation for sponsoring three of our veterans with trained support dogs. Each beautiful dog will provide company and a warm heart in the middle of a dark night. Our veterans have faced traumatic events for our freedom. Today, we find ourselves filled with smiles, hugs, and joy.
NJRC Executive Director Jim McGreevey expressed his appreciation to President Joseph Cossolini, Jersey City Police Officers Benevolent Association (POBA), “President Cossolini and the JCPOBA fostered a successful partnership, where NJRC has relied upon the professional training of Ulitmate Canine to ensure that the dogs are properly equipped to live and serve with our veterans.”
Julie Case, Owner of Ultimate Canine Training, said, “We are very honored and blessed to be part of this project. I think it will be a win-win for all the parties involved. The shelter dogs were chosen for their great personalities and completed their extensive training with flying colors. These dogs will give their veterans a reason to maintain healthy lifestyles and are being adopted into homes with caring and loving families.”
The Veterans Justice Outreach Initiative of NJRC works to provide critically needed services to those veterans, regardless of discharge status, who are being released from state prison, county jail, or addiction treatment centers.
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