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1. Paramus L.E.A.D. Fest Carnival
... fairway rides, performances will be held by Granpa Cratchet, which are included in the general admission price of $5. Midway will be provided by Reithoffer Shows. To purchase discounted ride tickets and mega passes, in advance of the carnival, please visit The carnival will benefit the ...
by Anonymous on 05/25/2022 08:00 pm - Calendar > Site Events - 25,541 Hits
2. 5K Run/Walk in Ridgefield Park to Benefit Local L.E.A.D. Program for Kids
... anti–drug, anti–violence curriculum for students K-12. Over the course of the 10-week program, officers and educators teach the L.E.A.D. curriculum to educate our youth on how they can make smart decisions without the involvement of drugs. L.E.A.D. currently operates in 37 states across the U.S. The race ...
by Anonymous on 10/15/2021 08:00 pm - Calendar > Site Events - 34,682 Hits