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1. Longevity Veterinary Center Extends Hours to Midnight for Emergency Pet Care
Whippany, NJ. – Longevity Veterinary Center, NJ’s premier integrative veterinary center, is pleased to announce extended hours for emergency pet care services. Effective immediately, the veterinary center will remain open until midnight every night to ensure pets receive timely attention and treatment during urgent and emergency situations.
by post on 06/01/2024 07:25 pm - Story - 1,803 Hits
2. Mother and Son’s Kidney Transplant Story Inspires Hope and Advocacy for NJ Sharing Network
ELIZABETH, NJ – A local heartwarming story of a mother’s selflessness and a son’s resilience has captured the community’s attention and is raising awareness about the power of organ and tissue donation and transplantation.
by post on 11/02/2023 05:01 pm - Story - 9,716 Hits