North Bergen Veterans of Foreign Wars

The Edward McDowell Post, 2648, in North Bergen, New Jersey , also known as the North Bergen Veterans of Foreign Wars, held a Pasta and Trivia night to raise funds for the post. With roots in North Bergen dating back decades, this small hidden post is still standing strong.
Making history, the current commander, Rebecca Miller Pringle, is the first woman to hold a leadership position at the post. She hopes more women will join the ranks and progress in the new year.
Commander Miller Pringle says she would not have been able to pull off the event without the help of local communities coming together. Volunteers from the North Bergen High School Key Club, the Northern Valley Demarest High School's KARE Club, North Hudson Girl Scouts, Friends of VFW, and volunteers throughout the state drove to the post to help out. Prizes were given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place with trivia questions the kids wrote, some too difficult for even the commander to answer, but this didn't stop guests from guessing. The teenagers helped by making pasta, setting the tables, and cleaning up. Proceeds will go to helping local vets.
The post helps veterans with having their benefits upgraded, their claims submitted, and a place to come talk to other vets who have been in the same situations.If you are a veteran with foreign service, you can drop by the post at 510 81st street, North Bergen, New Jersey, and fill out an application for membership. You can also call the post at 201-971-VETS. An unknown benefit of visiting the post is that they have hall rentals for private events. The money the post raises from renting the space goes towards repairing and upkeep of the post. Anyone interested in volunteering with Friends of VFW, a club made up of patriotic civilians, can call the club president, Betsy Rodriguez, and leave a message for her at the post.
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