“Songs of Hope and Solidarity: Music Composed in the WWII Ghettos and Concentration Camps”

In 2005, the United Nations General Assembly designated January 27—the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1945—as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
On this annual day of commemoration, the UN urges every member state to honor the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and millions of other victims of Nazism and to develop educational programs to help prevent future genocides.
In advance of this solemn observance, Dr. Tamara Freeman, Holocaust ethnomusicologist and concert violist, will be presenting “Songs of Hope and Solidarity: Music Composed in the WWII Ghettos and Concentration Camps” at the JCC of Northern NJ’s Active Seniors on Tuesday, January 17 at 11 AM at Temple Avodat Shalom, 385 Howland Ave., River Edge.
Using words and music, Dr. Freeman will tell the stories — both heartbreaking and inspiring — of young and adult prisoners interned in the WWII ghettos and concentration camps. Their evocative melodies will be performed on her 1935 Joseph Bausch viola which was rescued from Berlin during the Shoah. Dr. Freeman will also lead community singing of the most familiar and emblematic songs of the time.
Active Seniors at the JCC of Northern NJ are looking forward to a full calendar of events in 2023. Now settled in their new home at Temple Avodat Shalom, 385 Howland Ave. River Edge, the program continues to grow, welcoming both new participants and new programming. Attracting adults aged 65+ from many area towns including Mahwah, Fair Lawn, Paramus, Hackensack and more, the Active Seniors are a vibrant, vital part of the JCC of Northern NJ.
The core of all programming centers around creating opportunities for connection — with staff, volunteers, and especially each other. Through the consistency and variety of activities offered each Tuesday and Thursday these valued members of our community continue to grow in camaraderie, spirit and participation. All are welcome!
$5 Suggested donation includes catered kosher lunch. Advance registration required. Visit jccnnj.org/active-seniors/ or call (201) 666-6610 to register.
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