The Valley Hospital Fertility Center Surpasses National Average for Live Births

RIDGEWOOD, NJ, April 27, 2023 – Valley Health System is pleased to announce that The Valley Hospital Fertility Center has surpassed the national average for live births per intended egg retrieval in 2020, under the age of 40, according to new data released from The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) Clinic Summary Report for 2020.
SART is the primary organization of professionals dedicated to the practice of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in the United States. SART was established to uphold the ART standards to ensure patients receive the highest possible level of care.
As a SART member clinic, Valley received annual birth outcome data. This data helps patients understand the likelihood of success with various treatment options.
When looking at The Valley Hospital Fertility Center’s 2020 clinical data statistics for live births per intended egg retrieval, for all types of embryo transfers, under the age of 40, it exceeded national summary data collected from all SART member clinics. Valley’s data showed that women under the age of 35 have a 60 percent chance of live birth with intended egg retrieval, compared to a national average of 54.5 percent. For ages 35 to 37, Valley’s percentage of live birth is 50 percent, which is 10.2 percent above the national average of 39.8 percent. Finally, for women ages 38 to 40, Valley’s percentage of live birth is 27 percent compared to 26.1 percent nationally.
The Valley Hospital Center’s Final Clinical Summer Report for 2020 and the SART Final National Summary Report for 2020 are available online.
“Here at Valley, we take pride in helping people complete their families,” said Ali Nasseri, MD, PhD, Medical Director of Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility for Valley Medical Group. “This data is a reflection of the knowledge our team has and the hard work our team puts in to make that happen.”
Valley’s Fertility Center offers fertility assessment, infertility treatment, fertility preservation, genetic screening, and LBGTQ+ family building. The Center also treats infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), polycystic ovary disease (PCOD), and endometriosis.
To learn more about The Valley Hospital Fertility Center, please visit or call 201-634-5400 to request a consultation.
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