30 miles away from Cape May Point

RIDGEWOOD, N.J. – Retired Fairview Police Chief and Run for Hope Foundation Founder Frank DelVecchio is 30 miles away from completing his 200-mile run across the State of New Jersey to benefit local food security efforts and youth programs. DelVecchio is anticipating reaching Cape May Point between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. this evening.
Over the last three days, the Run for Hope Foundation partnered with the Ridgewood YMCA to host three Days of Action to Fight Hunger and Food Insecurity where non-perishable food items, paper goods, and baby supplies were collected. The Run for Hope Foundation website will also be accepting monetary contributions to be distributed to local pantries and youth programs across New Jersey.
You can continue to follow Frank on his journey across NJ by visiting the Run for Hope Foundation’s Facebook page where he will post live broadcast updates. Frank is available for interview today as he closes in on his 200 mile goal. To coordinate a time, email or call 908-419-2785.
The Run for Hope Foundation utilizes the sport of running or walking to raise funds for charitable causes. The Foundation has raised more than $150,000 and has supported organizations that benefit cancer research, first responders, the homeless, senior citizens, military families, domestic violence victims, and after-school programs for underserved communities. The Foundation is most well known for their annual September 11th run and bike ride which benefits 9/11 families. For more information about the Run for Hope Foundation, please visit
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