The Valley Hospital Reaches Milestone for Fast-Track Screening Colonoscopy Program

RIDGEWOOD, NJ, August 18, 2023 – The Valley Hospital’s Fast-Track Screening Colonoscopy program has screened more than 1,000 patients for colon cancer since its inception in 2018. The program began under the premise that more people would seek screening if the process was simplified.
Through Valley’s Fast-Track Screening Colonoscopy program, patients who meet select criteria can schedule a colonoscopy without an initial office visit with a gastroenterologist or colorectal surgeon, thus streamlining the process. The patient’s only visit to The Valley Hospital will occur on the day of the procedure after a thorough virtual health history and education session with the program’s assistant has been completed.
Screening colonoscopy is important for the early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer. The primary goal of a colonoscopy is to remove polyps while they are small and do not have the opportunity to develop into larger, cancerous ones.
“We are so excited to have reached this milestone in our program,” said Antoneta Lamo, PA-C, who helps patients navigate the program by determining eligibility for each individual. “If we can prevent colorectal cancer through screening, we are going to do it. I want people to live long and happy lives, and this program makes it easy to get this important screening done so they can do just that.”
Screening criteria includes being 45 to 75 years old and in overall good health with no significant medical problems or symptoms of colon cancer. Additional screening criteria will be evaluated during the initial, virtual consultation. If the patient is deemed eligible, he or she will be scheduled for the procedure with a Valley doctor.
To learn more about Fast-Track, including all eligibility requirements, and to view videos from the program’s physician assistant, please visit To determine if you are eligible, call 201-389-0808.
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