Hackensack Stormwater Flooding and Combined Sewer Overflow Webinar Rescheduled to October 30

(October 4, 2023; Hackensack, New Jersey) -- What is the City of Hackensack doing to reduce flooding and overflows of its sewer system? Find out the strategies the city is using in the webinar, How Hackensack is Working to Reduce Flooding and Combined Sewer Overflow, rescheduled for Monday, October 30, 2023, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The webinar, presented by the Northern New Jersey Community Foundation (NNJCF) in partnership with the City of Hackensack, is free and open to the public. People may register for the event here: https://bit.ly/FloodReductionWebinar .
The city is undertaking several activities to address the problem. These activities include updating their sewer system infrastructure, requiring developers to manage stormwater on their properties, and working with natural and low-cost solutions with green infrastructure.
This panel of speakers will provide insights into the strategies being used:
· Erin Abline, Suburban Consulting Engineers, CSO/Sewer Separation and MS4 Stormwater Management requirements;
· Anthony Kurus, Neglia Group, Design requirements for site development/redevelopment with regards to stormwater management and flood protection; and
· Leonardo Vazquez, AICP/PP, Executive Director, Northern New Jersey Community Foundation.
The webinar will discuss how Hackensack residents and representatives of Hackensack-based organizations can get involved with the Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice project. They will also learn how to be more influential advocates for their environment.
Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice
This event is part of the NNJCF's Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice. This new project seeks to reduce flooding and improve environmental conditions for residents of Central Hackensack and other parts of the city affected by flooding. More information about this project may be found at https://bit.ly/NNJCFGreenInfrastructure .
The Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice project is co-produced by Northern New Jersey Community Foundation, City of Hackensack, and Greater Bergen Community Action in partnership with Hackensack residents and representatives of several organizations in Hackensack. This project is supported in part by The Funders Network, AARP, Valley Bank Foundation, M&T Bank Foundation, PSEG Foundation and the Hackensack Rotary Club.
About Northern New Jersey Community Foundation
Founded in 1998, The Northern New Jersey Community Foundation, a not-for-profit 501(c) 3 organization based in Hackensack, New Jersey, celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2023. The NNJCF works with local governments, school districts, businesses, non-profit organizations, and citizen groups to improve community life. Through collaborative partnerships, regional problems are identified and resolved. Opportunities are discovered and explored by talking and learning from each other and sharing ideas, best practices, services, and resources. The Foundation's primary areas of work are the environment, arts and culture, public health, education, civic engagement, and philanthropy. For more information, visit www.nnjcf.org, send an email to nnjcf@nnjcf.org, or call 201-568-5608.
Photo caption: Green infrastructure is a set of strategies to reduce flooding. This includes natural solutions such as rain gardens.
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