Oakland Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center Named Among Nation’s Best Consecutive Honors in Newsweek’s Annual Ranking for Bergen County Provider

OAKLAND, N.J. (Dec. 12, 2023) — Oakland Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center has been named among the nation’s top skilled nursing facilities in Newsweek’s “America’s Best Nursing Homes 2024,” marking consecutive year honors for the Bergen County provider. Located at 20 Breakneck Road in Oakland, the 215-bed skilled nursing facility provides post-hospital care, short-term rehab and long-term residential care.
Newsweek, in partnership with global data research firm Statista Inc., identified the nation’s top 750 facilities across 25 states for its “America’s Best Nursing Homes 2024.” The rankings are based on five data sources, including performance data, peer recommendations, management of the COVID-19 situation and accreditations. For the first time, resident satisfaction data was added to the scoring model.
“The addition of customer satisfaction data within the 2024 rankings and Oakland’s second honor in a row for its quality care and services make this recent achievement particularly special for the facility’s dedicated team,” said Kani Burgos, regional director of market development at Marquis Health Consulting Services, which supports the center. “We congratulate the Oakland team on this well-deserved recognition.”
In addition to the Newsweek honors, Oakland Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center was named one of the nation’s “Best Nursing Homes 2022-23” for long-term care by U.S. News & World Report. The Bergen County facility maintains five-star overall and quality measures ratings from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and it serves as a “preferred” provider for three local health systems.
Oakland, with the support of Marquis, continues to develop market-specific programming that responds to regional demand. The facility’s recently launched
Korean cultural program is one such example. Oakland’s progressive skilled nursing care also includes a Chronic Illness Support model that integrates palliative care, pastoral support and other services with its specialty clinical programs, including pulmonary and cardiac care. More information on the skilled nursing facility and its programming can be found at oaklandrehabhc.com.
Brick, N.J.-based Marquis Health Consulting Services provides administrative and consulting services to skilled nursing facilities and senior housing communities along the Eastern Seaboard. The organization’s operational guidance enables its client facilities to overachieve their quality and customer service goals by embracing a progressive, multi-specialty approach to healthcare.
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