TETERBORO, NJ – Demonstrating a dedication to progressive healthcare for its animal residents, the Bergen County Board of County Commissioners approved by resolution the acquisition of the state-of-the-art Sedecal USA Vet-Ray Full Body Digital X-Ray System, a digital imaging X-Ray System that will provide advanced medical care to all animals in the County’s care at the Shelter.
The acquisition of this medical device highlights the County's unwavering commitment to advancing medical imaging capabilities at the Bergen County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center.
Approved on January 17, 2024, this initiative marks a pivotal leap forward to enhance on-site veterinary care at the Bergen County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center. The decision stems from a proactive approach, recognizing the decade-long service of the existing X-ray machine and the importance of upgrading to ensure superior image quality.
"Investing in leading-edge technology like the Sedecal USA Vet-Ray System goes beyond mere modernization; it's a profound commitment to providing optimal care for our animals,” said Commissioner Chair Pro Tempore Dr. Joan Voss. “This upgrade will elevate diagnostic capabilities, streamline treatment planning, and significantly contribute to the overall welfare of the animals within the care of the Bergen County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center."
“Investing in this new digital x-ray machine underscores our commitment to advancing animal welfare in Bergen County,” said County Executive Jim Tedesco. “This cutting-edge technology will revolutionize our ability to diagnose and treat animals at our shelter, ensuring they receive the highest quality care possible.”
For more information about the Bergen County Animal and Adoption Center, visit the County website or follow the Shelter on Facebook.
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