WOODBRIDGE – New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association President Peter Andreyev today called on Paulsboro councilman Theodore D. Holloway II to resign after his attempts to bully and berate a police officer was caught on body camera.
Newspaper reports detailed Holloway’s shocking behavior after he was pulled over during a routine traffic stop for failing to stop at a stop sign. Holloway then went on to berate and threaten the officer while calling his boss, Police Chief Gary Kille, on the scene to complain about the officer for simply doing his job.
“It is simply stunning to see the tremendous double standard at play in this situation,” said Andreyev. “Time and again we see snippets of body camera footage used to denigrate and humiliate members of law enforcement who are putting their lives on the line each day to protect their communities and, yet, when we see a public official threaten and harass an officer for simply doing his job there are seemingly no consequences. It is unacceptable to think Councilman Holloway will face no punishment for his egregious display of privilege and attempted abuse of power.”
Andreyev continued, “The bullying we witnessed on this body camera should also raise real questions for the public about Councilman Holloway’s behavior. If he can so casually threaten an officer for simply doing his job, then it is a fair question to wonder where else he is flaunting his power and position. I am calling on Councilman Holloway to resign today for the good of the public he swore to serve, but nothing we saw on the body camera footage would lead me to believe he possesses the level of self-awareness required to come to that decision on his own.”
“Police officers undergo rigorous training and adhere to high standards to serve our communities. Shouldn't council members, who represent our municipalities, be held to the same standard of accountability and conduct? This incident underscores why we must expect and demand better from our elected officials.”
Finally, Andreyev said, “I would like to commend the officer involved for his exemplary performance in the face of Councilman Holloway’s bullying and threats. This is what a true public servant looks like.”
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