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1. Valley Dietitian and Health Coach Publishes Book on Experience as a Caregiver
RIDGEWOOD, NJ, October 26, 2022 – Jessica Cording, MS, RD, CDN, INHC, a registered dietitian and health coach at The Valley Hospital Breast Center, has published The Farewell Tour: A Caregiver’s Guide to Stress Management, Sane Nutrition, and Better Sleep.
by post on 10/26/2022 09:10 pm - Story - 7,313 Hits
2. Leonia High School Senior Awarded Scholarship for Being a Good Friend, Student and Athlete
(Hackensack, New Jersey; June  2022) -- Being a good friend to others, student and athlete matters.  The Northern New Jersey Community Foundation's (NNJCF) The Class of 1964 Ralph Gregg Memorial Scholarship Fund announces Leonia High School senior Richard Cho was named its seventeenth recipient. 
by post on 06/20/2022 05:19 pm - Story - 17,286 Hits
3. Historian’s New Memoir is a Love Letter to The State of New Jersey ­
New Jersey Historian Al Frazza, creator of the award-winning website, has just published a new book State of Revolution: My Seven-And-A-Half-Year Journey Through Revolutionary War New Jersey. The book combines his own experiences exploring the state with historic stories from the Revolutionary War.
by post on 03/08/2022 11:32 am - Story - 19,207 Hits