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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results

1. Summer Vacation has Arrived! Let’s Support our Children’s Mental Health
School is out, and summer is here! While for many kids, this is an exciting time, for others, the change in the routine and lack of structure can negatively affect their mental health. Without the daily support of teachers, friends, and counselors, it can be easy to miss signs that ...
by post on 06/12/2024 10:44 am - Story - 2,188 Hits
2. Bergen Recognized as a College that Cares
PARAMUS, N.J. – For their efforts in supporting adults with intellectual disabilities, Bergen Community College and its Phi Theta Kappa honors students have received the “Companies that Care” award from the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey (CIANJ) and Commerce magazine.
by post on 07/18/2023 05:50 pm - Story - 8,909 Hits
3. Students Create Mini-Golf “Fore” Intellectually Disabled
PARAMUS, N.J. – Bergen Community College honors students have secured a $1,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to create two portable, accessible and sensory mini-golf courses for adults with intellectual disabilities.
by post on 02/01/2023 07:24 pm - Story - 9,967 Hits
4. Craig Clark of Scotch Plains Celebrates Anniversary of His Life-Saving Heart Transplant
(SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ) – Craig Clark, 61, is taking time to reflect on the gift of life and the miracle of organ and tissue donation and transplantation as he recently celebrated four years since his life-saving heart transplant.
by post on 11/12/2022 04:30 pm - Story - 10,908 Hits