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1. Federal Funding for New Jersey Tops $806 Million
TRENTON, N.J. – Six months since the Sept. 5 federal disaster declaration for the remnants of Hurricane Ida in New Jersey, $806 million in federal funding has been provided for survivors.
by post on 03/16/2022 08:14 am - Story - 13,005 Hits
2. FEMA Deadline has Passed but Help is Still Available; Federal Funding Tops $711.7 Million
TRENTON, N.J. – FEMA encourages applicants to keep in touch to track their case. Residents who believe the assistance they received for repairs is not enough are encouraged to contact FEMA to submit an appeal.
by post on 01/12/2022 07:08 pm - Story - 22,119 Hits
3. One Month After Ida: Federal Funding Tops $175 Million for New Jersey
TRENTON, N.J. – One month after the federal disaster declaration for the remnants of Hurricane Ida, more than $175.8 million in federal funds have been provided to New Jersey to aid in their recovery.
by post on 10/07/2021 11:00 am - Story - 44,598 Hits