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1. The Gift of Sight: Dover Resident Nancy Nusbaum Advocates for Organ and Tissue Donation Following Her Journey to Restored Vision
DOVER, NJ – During this holiday season of gratitude and giving, Nancy Nusbaum, a longtime resident of Dover, NJ, is counting her blessings and sharing her inspiring journey of restored vision thanks to double corneal transplants she received seven years ago.
by post on 12/21/2023 08:33 am - Story - 7,581 Hits
2. NJ Sharing Network Celebrates Black History Month and Highlights Inspiring Story of Hope of Transplant Recipient Christopher Bryant
(NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ) - NJ Sharing Network, the federally designated nonprofit organization responsible for the recovery of donated organs and tissue in the Garden State, joins in the local celebration of Black History Month by sharing the inspirational story of Christopher Bryant of Woodbridge, whose life was saved thanks to ...
by post on 02/03/2023 05:49 pm - Story - 15,049 Hits
3. Craig Clark of Scotch Plains Celebrates Anniversary of His Life-Saving Heart Transplant
(SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ) – Craig Clark, 61, is taking time to reflect on the gift of life and the miracle of organ and tissue donation and transplantation as he recently celebrated four years since his life-saving heart transplant.
by post on 11/12/2022 04:30 pm - Story - 10,920 Hits
4. Montclair Woman Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary of Her Life-Saving Heart Transplant
(Montclair, NJ) – This Thanksgiving will be a special time for Jill Szalony, 51, of Montclair, NJ. Jill, her husband Alex Samuelson, and their three children, Benjamin, 22, Grace, 20, and Jesse, 18, are celebrating the 5-year anniversary of Jill’s life-saving heart transplant. As the family joyfully counts their many ...
by post on 11/19/2021 05:29 pm - Story - 19,852 Hits