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1. Bergen an Inaugural Partner in UK Student Exchange Program
SEATTLE, WASHINGTON – The Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) and U.K. Association of Colleges (AoC) have selected Bergen Community College as an inaugural partner for a collaborative student exchange program focused on sustainability with colleges in the United Kingdom. Officially the “U.S.-UK Community College and Technical Education Exchange,” the program will ...
by post on 10/30/2024 12:18 pm - Story - 3,925 Hits
2. Celebrate the New Year at the Winter Games Night With The Community Chest of Eastern Bergen County.
Educator Joe Armental to be Honored. (Eastern Bergen County, New Jersey; January 3, 2024) -- Join The Community Chest of Eastern Bergen County for an evening of fun at the Winter Games Night on Thursday, January 25, 2024.  This festive winter event will be held at the Englewood Field ...
by post on 01/03/2024 06:36 pm - Story - 17,831 Hits
3. Greater Alliance Federal Credit Union Launches Narmi’s Digital Account Opening and Consumer Digital Banking Platforms to its 23,000 members
GAFCU partnered with Narmi to launch an industry leading digital experience across multiple digital channels. This initiative was further accelerated by Narmi’s real-time and deep integration into Corelation’s Keystone core banking system.
by post on 12/01/2021 08:39 am - Story - 47,583 Hits